This is one of our favorite cuts to brine and slow roast, to make corned beef for sandwiches and tacos. Versatile,...
These chunks of meat are meant for marinating, skewering, and grilling. But of course you can also use them just like...
As the name implies, this is thinly-sliced beef that cooks up on the stovetop in about a minute! Perfect for...
These are so tasty, we joke with friends that if we serve you short ribs when you're over for dinner, it must...
These bones make the most amazingly rich, heart-healthy stock. While you'll find all kinds of fancy recipes for...
4-oz Body Balm comes in a reusable metal container. Makes a great gift for yourself or anyone else who enjoys a treat...
This gorgeous cut of lamb makes a fantastic centerpiece for any holiday celebration. When herb-crusted and...
With these massive steaks, 1 is enough for 2-4 people, depending on what else you're serving. For our family of...
This versatile cut has the bone removed and can be used as a boneless roast for oven roasting or a butterflied leg...
Similar to the Bone-in Sirloin except, well, without the bone. These large steaks may miss out on some of the flavor...
Once a year we offer half or whole pigs from our friend and neighbor Brendan Wyly of Grace Wyly Farm. The total price...
We start with baby ginger grown by our friends at Tree Gate Farm and preserve it as a tasty (and sweet) treat for...
Also known as pot roast, this is a cut to be slow-cooked until it's fork-tender. When marinated first, it can...
These very meaty bones are ideal for making divine osso buco or any kind of beef-based soup. While our other beef...
We are huge fans of this versatile "steak," which is created by tenderizing a tough cut of beef by running it...
Whole, halves, and quarters of beef are available by reservation only. Please see our website Products and Prices...
These roasts are a very lean cut of meat with a dense grain. They have traditionally been used to make roast beef...
We start with baby ginger grown by our dear friends at Tree Gate Farm and steep it in a simple syrup made with cane...
Great option for trying our grass-fed beef without the commitment of a half or quarter. Still a fantastic deal! This...
So versatile! Use it to make burgers, meatballs, meatloaf, casseroles... options are limited only by your imagination.
Our tender, grass-fed ground lamb is the most versatile cut of lamb. You can use it to make Mediterranean meatballs,...
Hedgebrook Hives Honey is the project of Master Beekeeper JoBeth Dingman in Brooktondale. JoBeth lovingly tends her...
Each package contains 2 chops and weighs around .70lb total. These are small but meaty, cut thick, so they won't...
The loin is the tender meat that runs along the spine and forms the center of a loin chop. Bone-in is more flavorful...
These meaty shanks are bursting with flavor. Braised for maximum tenderness, the meat will just fall off the bone.
Oh so easy, tender, and delicious. Marinated and grilled, or slow-roasted in the oven, you can't go wrong with...
Treat yourself this Winter: enjoy a slow-roasted lamb shoulder that falls off the bone!
.25-oz Lip Balm comes in a reusable metal container. Carry one with you everywhere to soothe chapped lips, dry hands,...
These small roasts are very lean and flavorful, but can be tough because of the lack of fat. Marinating and braising...
Rack of lamb is a really popular cut, and once you've had it you'll know why! It's fancy enough for...
These steaks are tender and delicious - a bone-in version of a ribeye. Just make sure not to overcook, and of course,...
One of our most popular and economical lamb options is stew meat. So versatile, and easy for busy weekdays. Throw it...
Caroline locals Len Pogorzala and Frank Yaple have produced this delicious treat for decades from their sugar shack...